Build a fast scalable HTTP/2 API for a PHP micro service with gRPC, Protocol Buffers (protobuf)
gRPC Course Overview
- gRPC Introduction
- Course Objective
- Enviroment setup
- Code download
gRPC Internals Deep Dive
- Why this section?
- Protocol Buffers & Language Interoperability,
- HTTP/2
- 4 Types of gRPC APIs
- Scalability in gRPC
- Security in gRPC (SSL).
- gRPC vs REST
- Section Summary why use gRPC
gRPC Project Overview & Setup
- Project Setup (PHP + VSCode + Protoc)
- Makefile (Windows)
- Makefile
- Server Setup Boilerplate Code
- Client Setup Boilerplate Code
gRPC Unary
- Unary API Server Implementation
- Unary API Client Implementation
gRPC Server Streaming
- Server Streaming API Server Implementation
- Server Streaming API Client Implementation
gRPC Client Streaming
- Client Streaming API Server Implementation
- Client Streaming API Client Implementation
gRPC Bi-Directional Streaming
- BiDirectional Streaming API Server Implementation
- Bi-Directional Streaming API Client Implementation
gRPC Advanced Features Deep Dive
- Errors implementation
- Deadlines
- SSL Security
- gRPC Reflection & Evans CLI
CRUD API with MariaDB
- Install Docker
- Docker-Compose setup
- Blog Service PHP Setup
- CreateBlog Server
- CreateBlog Client
- ReadBlog Server
- ReadBlog Client
- UpdateBlog Server
- UpdateBlog Client
- ListBlog Server
- ListBlog Client
- DeleteBlog Server
- DeleteBlog Client