Learn how to use NodeJS like an expert.
- Complete Node.js Developer: Mastery
- Course Outline
- Exercise: Meet Your Classmates and Instructor
- Node.js - How We Got Here
- Node.js Runtime
- How To Succeed In The Course
- Latest Version Of Node.js
- Course Projects + Code + Cheatsheet
- How-to's: Speed up videos, Downloading videos
Node.js Fundamentals: Foundations and Environment Setup
- OPTIONAL: Installing Node.js
- OPTIONAL: Windows Installation Tips
- Node.js Release Cycle
- The Node.js REPL
- Setting Up Our Developer Environment
- Our First Node App
- Node.js VS JavaScript
- The global Object
- Introduction to Backend VS Frontend
- Monthly Coding Challenges, Free Resources and Guides
Node.js Fundamentals: Internals
- What Node.js Includes
- Node Internals Deep Dive
- libuv Internals Deep Dive
- Synchronous vs Asynchronous
- Asynchronous Callbacks
- Non-Blocking Input & Output
- Exercise: Is JavaScript Asynchronous?
- Multi-Threading, Processes, and Threads
- Is Node.js Multi-Threaded?
- The Event Loop
- Callback Queues
- Phases of the Event Loop
- Comparing Node With PHP and Python
- What Is Node.js Best At?
- Observer Design Pattern
- The Node Event Emitter
- Recommended Path: Asynchronous JavaScript